Report IID 2020

Indonesia Inventors Day 2021 was supported by Balai Inkubator Teknologi (BIT BPPT), INOTEK, CEGeoGTech, Universitas Mercu Buana, BINUS ASO, Prasetya Mulya, Euro Management, Habibie Centre, Klik Peneliti, Manpro, International Federation of Inventors Association (IFIA), and World Invention and Intellectual Property Association (WIIPA). There is about 345 Teams from 20 countries to participate in Indonesia Inventors Day 2020. We also have separated the competition into 3 categories: 1. The International STEM-based Innovation Competition 2. The International Paper Competition 3. The International Business Plan Competition I would like to cordially invite you and your organization to participate in this year’s event.

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